TRUMP'S Arm NEARLY RIPPED OFF In Violent Handshake Battle with Portuguese President

When Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa recently visited President Donald Trump at the White House, the diminutive visitor turned the tables on Trump by greeting him with a super aggressive handshake, visibly pulling and shaking Trump when the two came together at the East Portico.

"NO!!!" Dutch Prime Minister TELLS OFF TRUMP Right To His Face (Body Language Breakdown)

The Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte literally shouted "NO!" at Donald Trump during what was supposed to be a standard photo op. In this video, we'll break down exactly what happened between them and then analyze how both sides handled it from a social dynamics perspective.

“HORRIBLY MADE FUN OF” Full Meltdown – Here’s What He SHOULD Have Done!

Beef on The Bachelorette! This show is pretty ridiculous but has some interesting interactions to analyze. In this video, we break down an interaction where Jordan is getting made fun of by Daniel. Do you know what to do when you get made fun of? If not, this video is for you.

ALPHA BATTLE Between TRUMP and TRUDEAU at the G-7 (Who Do You Think Won?)

America's Donald Trump and Canada's Justin Trudeau were engaged in social battle at this years G-7 Summit. There were no shortage of social tactics used and in this video, Barron Cruz breaks it down. You will learn how to spot the techniques they each used so you can both use them in your life when necessary and reduce the chance of someone using them against you!